I don't often collect rocks on the beach but I could not leave that one behind. Yesterday's walk was one of discovery. I found this heart shaped stone, just in time for Valentine's day.
I also found a sea urchin and a hermit crab hiding in a multi shell habitat.
Sorry about the crab Jim trew it in the sea before I could take a picture.
Of course I picked many sea glass...
We met Nancy, Yves, Solange and Michel for breakfast on the seaside.

Today Jim went to the airport to meet our friends Gerry and Michelle, I met them all at the train station and we escorted them home. They have company living with them for the whole time they are here! 4 different couples each their turn. This week we met Melissa and Guy, next week it will be her brother and girlfriend...I wish them the best. We walked our 10,000 steps just getting them acquainted to their neighborhood. We will meet with them for supper!
Hasta luego!