One big surprise is always, every year I somewhat forget, the fact that the sun does not get up before 8 o'clock in January. It gets up around 7:30 in March.
Actually, breakfast in restaurant is not early neither. You can get coffee early enough but full breakfasts are hard to find before 9 ish.
I have seen and use this ''different'' dish rack in two different apartment. The bottom of this cupboard is open over the sink. After rinsing your dishes, you place them on this drying rack, it drip dries over time behind the cupboard doors. I really like the idea.
Today, we had a slow day. We walked around for a few hours, did a bit more shopping. I bought a fresh trout for 2.87 e which equals to $4.00 cdn. Fish is so cheap around here. chicken, rabbit, duck is very reasonable, so is pork, but beef is expensive and not as good as Canadian beef.
I am retirering to bed, have a great rest of the day !