I don't know if you knew it but, when you leave a message I receive a note under a coded name. So I do not know which one of you said something. I want to mention the yes 2 days ago there was many jelly fishes washed to shore. It was easy to see, they usually sting if you step on them. Some jelly fish are worst than other. The ones on the beach the other were of a small size, pretty well safe, but as I said they were easy to avoid.
The sea is still pretty cold, I do walk with my feet in the water. But as you can see in the pictures, some people (northern Europeans) don't mind the cold!
Today Jim's brother Bill and is better half Paula are flying in! We are really looking forward to a great visit with them. Up to now, we accompanied our friend Marlene and her friend Lisa on their discovery of the area. It is always fun to revisit sites with ''new'' eyes.
One of my favorite thing is to collect sea glass. In the picture it is a one afternoon picking. Notice you can see a few pieces of broken tiles. They make very pretty pendants, all you have to had is bail and voilà .