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A charming old man and is book store

Today I want to introduce you to Julian the book store. It is a second hand book store filled with books of all kinds in every languages you can think of! I love going in there. Jim always buys a few books. He actually has a huge credit, which you get when you bring books for him, but never uses it. Here have a peak!

The first time you step in, can be overwhelming. As you look around you realize there is a system to this madness. Julian, I assume that is is name, is a sweet older man always ready to chat in any language you chose, and very helpful. It is one of those places that ''stays'' with you.

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4 commentaires

Linda Wilkinson
Linda Wilkinson
21 févr.

What a wonderful store, Sylvia. We may see the odd book in English at the pool area but we haven't found a book store that sells books in English. We use our Kobos here and download many books before we leave Canada. Keep these blogs coming. They are so interesting.

21 févr.
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thanks Linda


Ruth Trottier
Ruth Trottier
21 févr.

Oh, my! We have 3 book shelves for used books at Emmanuel Church - pay what you please. It was in disarray with books piled like at Julian's. When I straightened them out so that all the titles can be read, I was amazed that there was actually room on the shelves for all but one, which I brought home to read and made the donation for. We raise over a hundred dollars a year for the ladies' group this way.

21 févr.
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it is good money

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